This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

hello germans

hows the beer? prayers are still heavy here. my kids and i have been learning a little about germany. it's the green country. that might be as deep as they are letting it sink in. but they usually thank God for you right after food. that is serious man. :) church wasnt the same without you. but it went on. dont let your heads get big. just joking.
no(dot dot) el was filled and awesome. she ended with something about "who's goin with me!" she was holding a gold fish and wouldnt stop saying that. that's where she lost me.
AHAHAHAHHAAA! you had me at krispi kreme. pastor. i aint goin no wheres.
miss you all.
and someone thank that lady who said God would wake us up in the middle of the night about the people we chose to pray for. moses, what the crap were you doing at three am this morning reno time!! will you get it together please i would like to sleep tonight!
alf heater sane. :)


TimmyMac said...

Loved the reference to Jerry McGuire!

I don't have a Wedding Photography site nor do I expect to see you there.

By the way, it was nice meeting you and Mike yesterday.

No(dot dot)el said...

i would just like to say that you make my sides hurt from laughter girl. you are too funny.
thanks for blowin my cover on my upcoming church plant!! mann now what am i gonna do.
about the waking at 3am give me a call next time guarenteed i be right there with ya, we can pray in unity.

shontell said...

steve, jerry maguire. its from jerry. he gets the fish and says he is starting his own company. "who's going with me."
pluck, thanks for making me snort so hard there is still rice stuck in there
no(dot dot) el. i wish i would have read this yesterday cause i would have called you at 2:40, 3:48 and 6:30. God is apparently really moving in your husband and ms tamerina.
and jaybee, thanks?:/

No(dot dot)el said...

yeah, that team needs to come home so I can some normal sleep again not to mention so that i can see my giant again. begining to forget what he looks like. jus kiddin

sabu said...

chris called me today, i was home yay! it doesn't sound like they are getting too much sleep either. i have also been getting attached physically. headaches, back pain, not sleeping well. any prayers would be appreciated.

shontell said...

i am on it debi :)