This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Friday, August 26, 2005

i broke my blog

only i didnt really do it. i just showed up to speak to the masses (both of you) and it was this way. any hacker is welcome to fix this problem as it is adding to the angst that is now my attitude. along with layla saying, rather, whining slowly "mooommmyyyyyy" outside the window because eli got to the scooter first. ope, now he is done, she is off and running. .....and now she is done. all that whining for six seconds of riding! what is she a bull rider! GOOD NIGHT NURSE!


Jessie said...

it's the post where that kid did the typing. the continuous letters are too long. go back, edit that post, and hit "enter" everytime it seems like the letters are going too long and it should be back to normal.

your redisent hacker, jess

digapigmy said...

you are going to edit dylan's post? if you must . . .

Jessie said...

she could delete it altogether, but that would just be *wrong*

shontell said...

lol. you are magical jesse. like that mistofolese (sp?) guy.