This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Not so professional hair model

Here is my first attempt at being a hair model. My friend, Marie invited me to be her hair model in a nationwide competition that I REAAAAAALLY want to win. It took a couple of days, a few uncomfortable positions, and frankly, a lot of laying around while people fiddle with my hair, but these are a couple of proofs from the shoot. I had so much fun. It certainly didn't take a lot of brains to do this job, but it took a big step outside of my shell and a lot of working on my rotten posture. If Marie wins, we get to go with her hair buddy, Josie, to Barcelona to do it all over again. Wish us luck :D


digapigmy said...

i was here.

shontell said...

Are you practicing at tagging? I think that whole "I was here" theme is taken. YOu should be Pasty or Ghost Rider. Although that is a little long to spray paing while Dylan keeps tabs on the Po Po.
And dang it! Get that monkey into rehab; everytime I look at him, he is smoking ANOTHER cigarettw.

David said...

You should have done some Blue Steel for the camera.

shontell said...

ROFL!! I felt that look was already taken. I was trying to come up with my own look. I settled for bewilderment. I just kept thinking, "if I were a model, what would I be thinking right now?" When I came back with nothing, I figured that was about right lol.

David said...

Wrong. You'd be thinking about cigarettes and heroin ... AKA breakfast and lunch.