This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Come Monday

This post could have been about the Jimmy Buffet song, but it isn't. I DO love that song so, but instead it is about the craziness happening in my house right now on a Monday affternoon.

Right now, my husband is complaining of a belly ache

Right now, my littlest son is incredibly sticky because my husband has no boundaries when it comes to sweets and children, therefore, I came home to kids eating suckers carrying around their trick-or-treats bags minutes before the dinner hour

Right now, Isabelle is moping not just because I won't tell her what is for dinner, but because she is ten and this is what ten year olds do

Right now, I am not telling Izzy what is for dinner because she cannot talk to me with a normal tone of voice, so I am refusing her information until she can figure it out

Right now, Layla is upstairs wiping down her entire bathroom because shortly after I told her no to her sugar request, she began crying hysterically but claims it has nothing to do with the sugar and more to do with some problem that is 'too hard to explain'

Right now, my son Eli is on the verge of tears because none of his friends in the neighborhood are home

Right now, I am plotting in my mind a punishment for Eli and Layla that includes them writing the top ten things worth crying over where I am sure I should find sugar requests and friends not home to play with nowhere on the list

Right now, I am hoping to make it through dinner without yelling.


Jessie said...

right now i am enjoying your family so very much.

and my word verification is totions. What the hey is THAT??

Jenene said...

Hee hee...i love, Love, LOVE your family right now. Why do 10-year-olds mope? Max mopes ALL the time. Grrrrr.

SNORT my word verification is winedug.

shontell said...

Your word verifications are making me augh right out loud. Mine is ounmewr. I don't know what to think of that.

Unknown said...

I love children. I like the idea of chores for crying. Oh if my problems were as simple as theirs. God sees them all the same I guess. My word verification is dercome....that's what she said.

Jenene said...

OMG, I'm going to post a comment like 5 times so I can see what my word verification is each time...snicker.

undly. hmmmm.

Jenene said...

CRAP! It's not giving me word verifications anymore.
I'm feeling very winedug.

Pastor Kristopher said...

mine sounds racist: chomyo

and i like hearing what's happening in your family. especially because it makes me feel that we are normal. (and don't tell that i cheated and read this post on a wednesday.)

and i'm not changing accounts, so this says it's pastor kristopher, but it's really auntie mel.

Joelle said...

You are all so stinkin funny! I think I enjoyed reading your comments more than Shontell's post, it felt like the fruit bowl!!

Shontell I don't want to come visit your house if that is what it's like around their. Are Sam and Addison still hiding?

My word=iness. I think I need me some iness right now!!

scoeyd said...

Kids drama is wonderful. And taxing. Sigh.


'tentswor' is my word verification

Liz said...

lol...I am loving your family so much too! And yes, that is the awesome part of 10-11 yr olds that makes them so wonderful to be around ~SNORT~ I think you should have had my added bonus yesterday...the 11 yr old coming to me at 10 pm and informing me that she got her "special visitor" for the very first time...

And I am totally stealing the chores for crying thing...that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! thanks friend!

Oh and my word verification is: nohsates...sounds like an indian tribe, so I am totally going with slightly racist...

Liz said...



what is ingsi?!?!?!?

No(dot dot)el said...

genius, pure genius.

No(dot dot)el said...

Even a second time it's Genius. But I would also add that it reminds me of the Van Halen song RIGHT NOW. Ya know.. the one?