This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grizzabelle Rose

Happy Birthday Miss Isabelle Rose.

42 the number of weeks I carried you.
12 the number of days you were late coming out.

3 the number of times I went into labor before they would let you come out.
14.5 the number of hours I labored with you.
1 the number of Big Sticks Daddy snuck into the labor room to wile away the hours.
a gazillion about the number of diapers you wore in your lifetime.
2 the size diapers you wore when you were potty trained.
4 the number of times you became a big sister and rocked at it.
about 100 the number of times you put your hands on your hips in exasperation before age 2.
3 the age you were when you taught yourself to write your name.
3 the number of times you were the cutest flower girl ever!
about 100 the number of times you watched Aristocats.
2 the number of times we have had to get your ears pierced.
11 the number of Christmases I have spent with you so far.
11 the number of times you have blown out birthday candles.


A Bit Of Everything said...

OMGOSH! Iris will be calling her tomorrow!

secret word: moulati

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Miss IZ! The Harrison's LOVE you!!!!

Erica said...

Happy Birthday Miss Isabelle!