This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


hey how do i get all of my peeps linked like scoey over here. i dont have favorites with this new puter system. anyone feel like walkin me through it. hmm hmmm


Jeni said...

If you go to blogspot help, there are instructions on setting up links! (I had to use those to set up mine...)

Jeni said...

The link to all the peeps is:

After talking to you this morning, I think this is what you wanted. Hey, and e-mail me so that I can add you to the members list of the writing blog...

One other completely random, but funny thing... My word verification for this post has poop in the middle. (wpoopz)

digapigmy said...

i often say poop-z when i have to go piglet.

anyhoo - i could help you set up links if that's what you want (just cut and paste from a template that does have them - or read the directions if you're into that kind of thing). now if you're talking about favorites like on your browser, it would depend on what kind of browser you have. this is one of the geekier comments i have written. thanks for that