This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


While I am a long way from finishing, I just wanted to say I got "A" in my first class. A 99%.


David said...

Couldn't just go the extra mile, huh? If you would have been willing to work just a little bit harder, you could have had a 100%.

That's the problem with Americans; they're too lazy. That's why roofies are so popular.

Jessie said...

Yay for you!

But yeah. I agree with David. Quit slackin'.

shontell said...

PHOOEY! On all of you. Actually I had 105.8% because I am an overachiever. I had an online scavenger hunt through our university library. I sat down to work on it and had to get up right away to feed sam I am. That took about thirty or forty minutes. Then as I sat back down to keep working I had to chase The Squirrel around because she had acquired a marker and was making special art work all over my hallway walls. :/ When I finally sat back down I noticed the timer in the bottom corner of the screen. 20 minutes left to do a project that required "about an hour." Lame. I didn't do so hot on that one, and the program wouldn't let me redo it. stupid.

No(dot dot)el said...

go shontell!! rah rah sish cume bah!! i will be your personal cheerleader.

scoeyd said...

Having quite an extensive knowledge of the vocabulary of cheerleaders, I think its "rah, rah sis boom bah."

But who's really noticing, anyway?

Way to go Shontell -

David said...

I noticed. But then I thought people graduated Magna Boom Loud

shontell said...

holy wow! ROFL!! it is waaay to late for me to be reading this. I am too giggly. I noticed to friend. On this same topic- is it shish kobab or shis kobab? hmmm.

Jeni said...

Congrats on the 'A' as well as all of the crazy comments...

shontell said...

Thank you, thank you all :D

Liz said...

Woo Hoo!!! You and Gabby both had such great test scores...although she kicked your butt with 2 100's, a 97, 98 & a 96! All in the first week...sigh...I always knew I raised you both right...

shontell said...

lol. yah you taught me....umm. I can't really think of anything just yet. maybe check back tomorrow lol