This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


I applied for a bazillion and three scholarships before I heard that I qualified for all the poor people grants. It's all good though, frankly if I still get any one of the 10grand ones I applied for, I am buying myself a vehicle to fit my family. Prayers are welcome. Anyway, I applied for one thorugh OP Loftbed; a company that supplies loft beds to many a college. When you signed in to apply you had to read the terms and agreements section. That is all normal, except that half way through it says they arent really wanting the answer to question number three and if you write anything other than "OP Loftbed" you will be automatically disqualified. How funny is that! It was a total trick that I would normally have fallen for, but I read it without realizing that I could click that little agree button to jump ahead. Anyway, here are my answers to their questions. I can't remember if I posted these already or not. Sorry if it's a repeat.

What would you do with your time if you knew you only had 24 hours to live?
I would start with double checking in my bible to make sure I know what to expect when I go. Then I would do what every adult has dreamed of. Run with scissors, make the same face for at least an hour, sit way too close to the nonsense television show I am watching. I couldn't resist covering the stove with paper plates regardless of the many lectures I received as a kid as to the workings of a stove and what a pilot is. And to make the day especially sweet I would call my dad to let him know what a rebel I have turned into.

Describe the best practical joke you have played on someone or that someone has played on you.

The best practical jokes are the ones that turn out to not be jokes at all. Like when my brother picked up that cricket and said, "hey, when I was in Thailand they said these were a real treat." Because I am a normal human, I assumed he was joking. In the sense they say chocolate covered ants and they turn out not to be ants at all, but peanuts. Then he ate it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Someone in my family really does eat bugs. Suddenly, I was five years old on the playground being picked on by that fat bully red head. In case I wasn't sure he was serious, he did it again.

Describe how an OP Loftbed would improve your life.

For the past nine years I have been pregnant with one of my many children. Currently pregnant with my fifth child and seriously nesting I have decided it is necessary to install wood floors in my bedroom. And, if you put in wood floors it is only natural to take up tap dancing. And, if you are going to tap, well, isn't it obvious? If I had an OP Loftbed I could use every inch of my floor. I would never have to worry about stifling the tapper within. In short, an OP Loftbed would set me free. Is there a better way to improve your life? I think not.


shontell said...

sigh... seriously, the girl who won has nothing on these answers. LAME

TimmyMac said...

Shontell you are way too funny! I would add to the list of things I would do with only 24 hours to live . . . drive around with my windows down AND the air conditioner on . . .

No(dot dot)el said...

brilliant, can't believe you didn't win.

David said...

Reminds me of the essay I wrote to become a teacher in CA. I was instructed to talk about something that I love.

I wrote about cake. I said that calling my relationship with cake a "love affair" simply cheapens what we have together.

I got a perfect score and immediately became afraid for the children.