This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Fire Man In the Making

Mike got a letter regarding the testing and interview he went through a few weeks ago. He ranked 67 out of 103. Not exactly what he was hoping for, but considering there were 97 people who failed before they even got to the interview portion of the test, he did very well. Please continue to pray for him and God's will for the fire dep. We know this is where God has called him, we are just waiting and taking baby steps where God continues to nudge. He is still enrolled at the fire academy at TMCC and doing really well. Thanks for the prayers. We are all so proud of him.


No(dot dot)el said...

we are still keeping the fireman in our prayers, it will happen. tell him keep having a tenacious spirit and to volunteer, volunteer, volunteer.

moses said...

i got nothin' here. it's hard to be a smart 'a' when it's about mike

shontell said...

NIICE Mo. Thanks for being our pals. We missed you much for our date. Soon.

No(dot dot)el said...

this just in but our friend of ours whos husband is retiring from the incline village fire dept in the spring wrote her x-mas card that, that dept is hiring 5 men this month. get his butt up to the lake. :)

shontell said...

He tested with them three weeks ago. We are waiting to hear if he gets an interview :) PRAY FRIEND!
I am busy ignoring him right now for making me angry, but maybe I will go share this news. lol I am so going to hell. But at least you will all know why.

No(dot dot)el said...

no you are not!! you are a very very busy wifee and mom and student right now. have some grace for yourself right now and go share the news and i will pray.