This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The year of thirty..

So I haven't done much ( I have typed this post twice!) But, The Man and I were able to steal away for a birthday date. I got my nose pierced :)!! YAY! We started our date by driving in the same car. Those of you who have a vehicle large enough to seat your entire family should consider this a huge blessing. Someday, we may too. Anyway, we went to a cute little boutique called Fondue and The Man picked out a great little red rhinestone for me. I love it. He took pictures. We finished our date with dinner at In and Out and the new movie Deja Vu. I rather enjoyed it. And God loves me enough to make the chatty three year old seated directly behind my left ear fall fast asleep.

This is me getting prepped

I even got one of those cool little purple placement dots.

And this is the final me. I look a little like Addison who insists on laying her face on the camera while she says cheese. It's the best I can do for a self portrait.


TimmyMac said...

Here's a little ditty I wrote just for your birthday . . . I bet you can guess the tune . . .

Happy Birthday to you,
You went to Fondue,
Mike bought you a rhinestone,
Happy Birthday to you.

Best wishes . . .

Jeni said...

The only difference between your picture and Addison's is that you are smiling! Once again this past Sunday, she smiled when I asked her "Did you poopy?" Apparently it's ONLY funny if she actually has...

shontell said...

That has of course, been part of her school lessons. Only laugh maniacally when discussing poop.

No(dot dot)el said...

looks great , i am happy for you that you finally got this done. sorry i missed the event but i think it was meant for just the 2 of you.
check out the tip i left for mike on comments below.

Jessie said...


