This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My Lightbulb Moment

Sometimes it takes me a minute or two to hear what God is telling me. This very character flaw is why I recommend going to church weekly. I have been physically sick more times in the previous three months then combined in my life so far. I have been praying for God to reveal if it is an allergy, or if I am simply making too many unhealthy choices, or if it is due to something greater. Saturday night, I was certain I was dying of some internal wretched disease. I prayed for God to not only heal me but reveal what was really going on during Sunday's service. I cried on Sunday when he did.

Louie (not Louise) talked about the pace he feels God has set for him. Louie (not Louise) said he was physically sick after trying to be apart from where God was asking him to be. This is me right now. It isn't that I am running in a direction God is telling me not to; it is more because I am running.

God began speaking to me about celebrating the Sabbath about six months before Louie (not Louise) brought it up at church. I was floored when it became a series of teachings at church. I committed my Sundays to God and family and rest. Then my husband got hired onto the Fire Department, and I let everything run amok.

In the same way Louie (not Louise) felt his schedule was out of his hands, I feel that the goings on around me are out of my hands. The picture I get is me in the middle of a tornado with seven schedules swirling around me mixed with all the expectations others have of me. My problem is I keep trying to jump out and grab hold so I can "handle" one or two. This doesn't work for me. I get beat up, feel sick, get pushed around (sometimes literally**stupid yard gnome! This is a story for another time) and still end up out of control.

Now I know my job is to simply remain. Remain consistent. Remain in the eye of the storm where I can find God and experience his peace. Remain healthy. Remain out of CONTROL, not OUT OF control. Simply Remain- though for me, there seems to be nothing simple about remaining.


Jessie said...

awwwwww.....hugs to you!!!

Jenene said...

I think what is really going on is that ginormous tornado behind that chick.

It's funny you say that, because I am TOTALLY going through the same thing. Mine is a little more running away from where God wants me to be, though (plugging my ears...LA LA LA...I can't hear you).

We haven't been to a service in a huge long time and decided we were done with all the "bull" as a result of not being in God's House. Little things like finances out of whack, the kids getting a little mouthy 'cause they're not in fellowship, stress, arguments, etc.

I think, though that we haven't been in a while because we might be afraid of what He's got in store for us! OBVIOUSLY it's going to be revealed if we DO attend church!

Dang! I just don't want to give up my night job. I'm makin' good money!

Love, Neeners
PS...I thought about you the other night 'cause Without A Paddle was coming on cable. It was really late and I couldn't wait for it to come on, though. I'll rent it, I PROMISE! Or Mel can call me and say "Hello, friend. Would you like to come over and watch Without A Paddle?" I am so there.


shontell said...

Thanks friends. And Nene, we can't actually be friends again until you know where they are getting all that poo. AHAHA just watch the movie!

Anonymous said...

New picture needed there missy! Yes, I agree with being OUT OF and being out of CONTROL! God will keep you steady during the tornado......You are on the right track missy! Oh, and ....."What about me" on the trip to seven eleven!

shontell said...

anonymous- my name is not missy. you scare me.

Liz said...

You don't know how much I needed to hear this from someone right now!!! Thank you friend!!!

shontell said...

:) Hugs to you Liz.

scoeyd said...

you must have a really profound pastor...