This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hey guess what..

We bought a house :D And now, in all my free time, I am trying to envision my new decor. I have decided it should be all about the trees. Here are a few that I found that I really love.

Seriously LOVE this one


Cute for the girls' room

I found a great sheet of scrapbook paper covered in trees. I haven't been able to find an image of it, but I bought it to use as a background for a family recipe page I planned to hang in my kitchen. The trees are so retro and I think I want to paint them down my hallway, floor to ceiling, in a row. It can be scary to know you are reading my thought process right now, but in my mind my hallway will be very cool!
Anyhoo, Moses, Jessica, Denae, Chris of Chris and Natalie that I don't know so well but I hear you are a great artist, you people can't hide from me. I need you.

Anyone who has any sweet drawing skills and a little bit of free time is encouraged to gimme a call. I would love to pick your brain. I think I could actually paint something as long as someone else drew the sketch first. I dunno. A little scary to just start painting on your wall, but I just love what these murals add to the rooms.


scoeyd said...

I guess sweet breakdance skills are kinda useless when it comes to decorating. Hmmm. Sorry bout it.

Jenene said...

Oooo, I like the first one, too!
It's kind of Addam's Family-ish from afar!

Are you going to stencil a delicious bass somewhere for delicious Mike?


shontell said...

HAHA. Well, I think sweet breakdancing skills (providing they are accompanied by a jersey style half-shirt, terry cloth wrist bands, a Richard Simmons headband, and a Mt. Dew paper hat) could come in very handy for someone like me, as I feel every task should involve someone humorous. Tell you what, you work on getting some of the boys and a suitable card board layout together, and I will provide the coffee and treats.

No(dot dot)el said...

congrats on the house. i will let the man know about your needs , artiscally speaking that is.

shontell said...

so, you don't think Moses would like to get in on some funky fresh breakdancing? I mean, I am willing to bet $20 that he could still bust out the caterpillar!

Jessie said...

OK I totally want to fly up there and help you design fun trees for your new house :) :) :) :) :)

shontell said...

Well get to getting Jess. I want a tree in every room. Actually, in my dining room I want 5, floor to ceiling. Is that over zealous? I don't actually care. I figure I have at least ten years to perfect my house.

David said...

I can only draw the same stuff that I could draw in 5th grade: stereotypical pictures of a Japanese person's face (buck teeth, big ears, etc.)

Congrats on the house, though.

shontell said...

david- thanks. But really, you can't draw a liger? It is pretty much my favorite animal.