This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Coming to a Close

This school year for Isabelle has been a great experience. I was so nervous at the start of the year. I have been her teacher for four years officially, and just a regular mom to her for the five years before that. There is always a lot of pressure for moms when we know our fruit is going to be judged. We prayed and prayed for a great teacher. I couldn't help feeling like I was becoming the outsider. After being mom and teacher for so long, I wasn't sure how we would all work together. Then we met Ms. Jasina. Oh how I love her. In fact, if I had a mug for everything I loved as much as her, my mug would say I heart Ms. Jasina. Isabelle comes home regularly saying, "Ms. Jasina totally gets me!" Our prayers were more than answered. I am only sad Isabelle can't have her again next year. I am sure I will be even more neurotic this August when I turn over the next two kiddos. I realize all this sounds a little crazy, but I have put a lot into these guys. It is in my best interest to help them turn out well.


A Bit Of Everything said...

From one mom to mom and one friend to another friend - You are GREAT at both! It shows through your adorables!

Brian said...

Wait, I don't understand: did your daughter get put in the produce section? What is this delectible fruit (vegetable?) called Jasina? Is it a relative to Jicama? Do the other shoppers also judge and squeeze your little fruit throughout the day? That's just weird.

Still not sure about this blog.

shontell said...

Listen here Mister. Sigh. I can't think of anything. I might throw up. Your sister made me run. ::hurl::