..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Why Mike Like's Me
I got an invite to my friend's husband's 40th birthday party. As soon as I found out the theme was the 80s, I headed to Savers. awesome. obviously, you can see that I was the best dressed Jane Fonda at the party. I even won a prize. OBVIOUSLY!
Holy Moly...I just shot Diet Coke out of my nose...
You are so hot! How'd you get your hair to do that? (snicker)
When you've got it, you've just got it!
Jane Fonda meets Flashdance.
Nicely done, Queenie!
this is the greatest thing ever!! you just went up a notch or two or three in my book of notches :)
you are so cute. i'm so lucky that you're my sister. (btw, i swear your word verifications are getting longer and longer every time! aaarrgh!)
long, but so true.
and you were looking good. the 80's were pretty awesome.
hilarious. love it.
Um, I am truly scared now. But it looks like you had a great time. :)
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