This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


I've decided to dedicate my body to a medical school, and just before I die, I'm going to swallow a little plastic toy. That way, the medical student who cuts me open will get a nice surprise. I just hope the other medical students aren't sad because they didn't get a toy with their cadaver, too.
(Steve Young)


Jeni said...

I have nothing to say except that I LOVE THIS and I haven't commented on your blog for a while...

scoeyd said...

Shontell, with a secret toy surprise inside.

It could work.

Dennis Clifton said...

...i would go with an old Transformer like Optimus Prime. A little tough to get down, but he's made of metal and won't dissolve before being discovered.

frad-ster said...

Justin would really appreciate you - why don't you do this soon?

JayBird said...

what the heck are we talking about here?

shontell said...

ROFL!!! ::pat pat pat:::
s'okay jason.
i was thinking about my toy and i feel it would have to be something like a puzzle or OOH OOH a treasure map that LEADS somewhere. i mean!! come on!! they need to work for it!

Double D said...

I like the treasure map idea, lets roll with this for a minute if we may...what if I took everything cool that I owned, and haven't yet promised someone else, and just hid it somewhere, and locked it. But then you swallow the key, and leave hints on where the treasure is hidden and thus where the key will all i need to do is to start collecting cool stuff...any one have some donations of cool things for me?

moses said...

hmmm...five quirks, o.k. I'll play now

shontell said...

uum yah..15 oh plus 13 years, one husband, four kids a family sedan and a turtle.

Murdoc said...

butt-thorn comes out??? This week on...... "The Psych Ward"

JayBird said...

i didn't think this post was funny at all. are you talking about the quarterback, steve young? i give up on this one. it must be an inside joke or i'm just dense.

btw, try visiting my post for once. this isn't a one way road, missy.