This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


We are in need of a willing heart to keep our two littlest Brewers Friday from about 12-3 so I can attend my husband's graduation. I have made a zillion calls but no luck. I should add, we are money challenged so this can not be a paid position. Please Please Please, we are desperate. Thanks friends.


Jessie said...

sigh. i would you know.

just lock em in a closet with a dvd player and some fruit snacks. they will be fine. lol

Jeni said...

1. Congrats Mike!
2. Why can't they do these things on the weekend. I would love to watch those two if I wasn't going to be at work! Next time tell them to do it on a Saturday!

Erin S. said...

Awww man! I have to take my neices to the airport that day. But I have a person in mind that I will email you right now about.

Erin S. said...

I can't believe I just mispelled nieces.

TimmyMac said...

I just asked Sue and she said she could do it. Contact her ASAP at or call the house 354-2787.

scoeyd said...

I'm with Jessie - fruit snacks (a box or two should suffice,) & put the Squirrel & Sammy-boy in the closet. If it makes you feel better, place Moby outside the closet, & he will protect them from harm. Or chew more of your antique ornaments.