This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

So close to sanity

To all you loverly people who made the past few weeks easier, thank you thank you thank you so very much. God will bless you richly. We are finally in our new home...that we own. YAY. Now we are working on getting unpacked and settled in to our new house, new careers, and new neighborhood. This morning the kids and I enjoyed the warmer weather by running amok in the cul-de-sac, roller blading (yes I did it too), riding bikes, and plugging our ears when the potty mouthed construction workers started speaking. Overall, we are loving the new house. All are welcome to visit, but we are planning a house warming party near February the beginning. See you all soon.


Anonymous said...

Things you need(h/w party ideas) besides a cheese grater, a door mat.....&...?

LOVE THE HOUSE! Love the kitchen Garbage can! Especially love the people inside the house! Miss you terribly though, but you are only a 1/2 a park walk away for play dates!

Erin S. said...

Congrats!!! Let me know if I can help you with anything! I love to organize and/or decorate stuff.

shontell said...

Erin, I need to organize my school closet. It is daunting to me. Feel free to stop by. 17645 Rogue River.

Erin S. said...


Funny that you live on a street called "Rogue River" because I used to go river rafting on the Rogue in Oregon as a kid. Now that name will be forever tainted with you.

scoeyd said...

What sort of screening process will you use for your house-warming? My opionon: You should only allow so many clergy types... they're shifty, & have small hands...

shontell said...

Louie (not Louise)- how strange. I usually only use that description with carnies..and my mother. Well, and little people including Sam Fisher. He is remarkably shifty. I will definitely be screening, but I will be honest; if I have to choose between you and Joni, she always buys better house presents. Sorry. I am sure you understand.