I can't put into words just how much I love The Office. PB&J, The Dundees, Race for the Cure when it has nothing to do with cancer, The Schrute Beet Farm. Happiness. I am drinking out of my I heart Jim coffee mug right now, getting ready for school, and I had to take a minute to share this special video with you all. Pause the music. Thanks Boardman Brewer.
I love it too. I also have an Office mug (but not the I heart Jim one) I have the Assistant to the Regional Manager with the 'to the' scratched out. It's one of my favs.
I too am an Office fan! I even like it more than American Idol . . .
Tivo allows me to watch both The Office and Survivor. Thank you Tivo.
Sigh. The office is the reason I enjoy Thursday nights again. That and the sex.
Let's celebrate Diversity Day. I WANNA BE THE ARABS!
now i see why jess gets so irritated when people give kudos to THE WRONG person when posting videos or links. sigh.
HEY! Did you get this video off of an organic Youtube search, OR did you ACTUALLY rip off the idea from my blog without giving cred where it's due. Hmmm.
I'll be stalking this blog more closely now.
And yes, Rodman was faggoty, but Oakley had mad hops.
Are you aware of a movie coming out soon called "The Rocker." Do a search for it's trailer. You will not be sorry.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY GOT BUSTED BY MY BROTHER. (my bad) it was your idea first. dang it. can't i be cool for ONCE???? i really am an idea stealer.
AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA- it hurts. Stalk away Brian my dear. I have tried to hire a stalker for years. Apparently I make them blush. Interesting.
David- I am on it. Thanks for the recommendation.
Harrison- whatever.
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