This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Seriously, this is sometimes how I feel. Only, I can never seem to get my smile as big as this lady's when I feel this way. I am usually hollering something about satan sucking or fighting a perpetual grimace.
I am a part time preschool teacher/full time student/full time wife/full time mom/part time ministry maker/full time Christian. This all takes a lot out of me, honestly. I mean, do you even see friend in that list? Showerer? Eater? Sleeper?

No, you don't. I manage to fit in enough of those things to remain human,

but really I am trying to keep my focus straight.

That is harder to do when your daughter wakes up at 2am and says,

"mom, it feels like there are bugs in my hair."

I say, "Layla, please go back to bed. I am sleeping. I can't

help you with bugs right now. I am sleeping."

So, come sunshine, I figured I should check it out.

And, sure enough, her and

Addison both were suffering from the lice. (commence itching.)

Of COURSE The Man was at work.

Why would he be home when illness

and creepy crawlies grace our doorstep?

That would be ridiculous.

So, yesterday, I spent the better part of my back ache,

hunched over two

very wiggly daughters, washing, combing, picking,

and sighing heavily through

our newly purchased RID kits. Of which I went to the store

with five children

to purchase. That right there put me in a pissy mood

because I don't go to the grocery with children. EVER.

(This link will fill you in.)

Then, when we

got home and the boys were in the shower,

I realized the boxes I

purchased had been pilfered (bastards), so we got to

go BACK to the grocery store.

again. with five children. again.

To end a great saga, my husband arrived

home this morning after getting

off at 8am, full of excitement over the plans

he was making for the weekend.

When I was less than thrilled at a spontaneous

camping trip, he pointed out

my negative attitude. I MAY have done a quick

scan for a sharp object

to impale him with. It all happened so fast.

I will deny it anyway.


miss jessica said...

That is such a bummer and so bizarre...weren't we just talking about head lice this week?

A Bit Of Everything said...

Totall BUMMER!

When the little devil bugs go away, holler, I will take a couple off of your hands for a sleep over.


It's summer!

Erica said...

wow and you STILL were ok with me coming over and tolerating my very bad sewing skills. BTW, thanks for the quick lesson on how to check for lice in my daughters hair, I think I had the creepy crawlies the rest of the day ;)

No(dot dot)el said...

So Sorry Friend. Wallies- This week. You tell me when!!