So the other day during our Bible lesson, I mentioned something about substitute words for rotten things we want to say but don't want to get into trouble for. Specifically we were discussing taking God's name in vain.
Because I THOUGHT! all of my children had heard that flipping the bird was inappropriate behavior and didn't think I was introducing anything new, I used it as a comparison. My finger is just my finger because I don't have secret potty mouth issues and I am not just saying I am giving you the one way sign to Jesus while getting out earlier aggression. (Although one time I flipped my brother the ring finger as I drove next to him on the freeway...he choked on his water, which is precisely the reaction I was looking for.) ANYWAY! Substitute later that day I hear the usual "OOOH YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" between the children. Apparently Layla Grace was giving Eli the ole read-between-the-lines sneaky finger. My discussion with her was brief and consisted of me saying sternly "Layla, God gave you those fingers for a reason, and it is your job to grow up and use them correctly."
With you, I have no idea what this means of course! If only you could have been in my mind. I was just cracking up at the whole idea of her flipping him off and feeling a lot of pressure to get the message across to all of the kids that this is not okay behavior! My sister said I should needlepoint it on a pillow. lol maybe. It WOULD take a really big pillow though.
the read between the lines is one of my favorite moves. that and pulling the bird out of my pocket, "hey, i got you something . . . oh wait, here it is" a la Black Sheep.
so, you're saying this is bad . . .
maybe Layla can share her newfound wisdom & RBTL w/the other preschoolers.
sigh. isn't it awful. she may have a slight case of the bi-polar. That girl can go from one emotion to another faster than I can get pregnant!! and that is saying something! hey...wait. That IS saying something.
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