This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Udderly Useless (I know how to spell the real word!)

So, today I practiced obvserving the Sabbath. In keeping with the movement about church and the message I agree God is speaking to our church I spent the morning with my family at church and opted to give up a few tasks I feel don't line up with ceasing. And, now that my day is done, I feel useless. I don't feel like I accomplished near enough, which I suppose is the point and the message Pastor Lou was trying to convey this morning. We are NOT loved according to our production level. So, today I was just loved. I loved my kids, cleaned a little house, watched movies, read my book, loved my kids some more, shared funny stories about my kids to my hubby once he got home from school, ate some popcorn, made dinner, looked at pictures of Sam's birth I just received from my SIL (thank you auntie mel)and invited my friend to join me for pilates tomorrow night. Okay, so I take it back. I was productive. I love it when God starts talking to me about something, and then it shows up in a sermon. It reminds me I am in the church family I am supposed to be in. But I don't so much like it when I keep hearing the same sermon over and over from various pastors or in my Bible reading. That just makes it clear that I really am not being the listener I am supposed to be :/ Baby steps into the elevator.


Jeni said...

Hear ya on that one... Hmmm--How many commitments can Jeni take on before she's considered "OVER-committed"? And that's me, with no kids, no spouse, etc. I can't imagine the level of difficulty ceasing for all ya'll who have real families! :)

No(dot dot)el said...

baby steps are a genious approach to all things.