This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't seem to stop saying that.The Wheel called yesterday. I am flying to LA on Wednesday to be there for my taping scheduled Thursday, December 14th. PRAY PRAY PRAY! God has already been blessing us so much. Mostly with happiness. You can imagine how smiley we all are around here :D Please keep us in your prayers for safe travel, kids find a good spot to hang while we are gone, and oh yah- that I win a mad amount of money so I can buy that van from my previos post. lol


scoeyd said...

An ode to Shontell & the WOF...

I don't care how much money I got to spend
I can't stand to look at Pat Sajak again
Won't throw in the towel
Til I buy a vowel
Oh Vanna, just pick me a letter.

Thank you. Thank you very much.
And I said, "Whooooooaaaaahhhh!"

shontell said...

ROFL!! Do you actually work! ::snort::

shontell said...

oh yah, and thanks for being an athletic supporter.

Jessie said...

i am so so so happy for you!!!

TimmyMac said...

That is great! Don't forget (I know you won't) to let us know when it airs.

shontell said...

Don't worry. I will know as soon as I do my taping. It should be in a few months.

Murdoc said...

Just remember the government wants you to win so it can take 30% of your winnings. Maybe you can win a sweet 7 passanger vehicle too. Then the government can take even more money. I didn't know pat sajak was still alive.

Jeni said...

Yay! I've been anxiously waiting for you to hear when you'd be on. It will be the only time in the near future that I will voluntarily watch Wheel of Fortune. Hopefully, WHEN you get the van, Addison will be so happy that she'll actually smile...

shontell said...

okay, Jeni, don't get crazy now. Let's keep our expectations realistic!
Hey murdoc- I heard this song one time that I feel is appropriate for you. Please, sing along if you know it. Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, party poooper, party poooper.
The kids and I "studied" this morning lol. I feel every good homeschool should include an episode of The Wheel. My preschooler can learn the letters,my 3rd grader has good spelling and vocabulary practice, and my 5 year old son can focus on what Vanna is wearing. @@ silly boys. You start so young

SeƱor H said...

Ben, do the math. Lets say she only wins $3,000 (which she won't because Jesus wants her to get the sweet sweet van), she still brings home $2,100. Sure thats only 70% earnings, but it is still 100% party pooper. Encouragement Shontell.

shontell said...

::snicker:: thanks. And I don't think the % is that much. I can't really say for sure as I haven't had a real job in close to ten years (that is scary). They count your winnings as income. Do they tax you that much on your income tax? :/

Jessie said...

Nah. Not in your tax bracket ;)

shontell said...

oh good.

Anonymous said...

Where did my post go? See how you are?