This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Things to look forward to

It is December. If your life is anything like mine, I am sure you also have a million things on your list of things to do or upcoming events. Since moving to Reno, Mike and I have done a decent job of weeding out our "committments" to simply fall in line with what we feel God calling our family to. It is easy to say no to an invite when you recognize it isn't getting you closer to God's goal. Knowing our season will someday change, we feel right now that God is calling us to govern our children; we keep them close enough to guide them, but allow them enough room for God to move them and shape them. It is a tricky job for parents, this arms length love. But I am off track. Here is my list of things to look forward to in the month of December:

Flying on an airplane and experiencing the airport child-free with my husband.

A week night, kid free, no babysitter to pay, date with my husband.

Sleeping...all through the night for TWO nights in a row!Almost zero chance of getting pregnant on either of those two nights.


My Addison turns two. Just family, cake, and icecream.

Cooking dinners with the kids.

Baking with the kids.(The Man has already done some with them. He even shopped for the goods.)
Filling out Christmas cards and driving to Frenchmen's with the fam. Attempting to use the take a family pic using the timer on our camera. (serious entertainment)

Watching endless Christmas movies.


My friend's Kwanzaa party (or maybe it is chanukkah?)

Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning.

New Year's Eve.
Sorry about the format. For some reason my spacing feature doesn't work on this blog. Again, I seem to have broken it. sigh.


No(dot dot)el said...

whoo hoo whoo hooo, it's good to be you!!

scoeyd said...

Go Mike! Ice packs for everyone!

shontell said...
