This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Life on Purpose: I meant to do that

Because I am a dedicated writer (ha) I have upheld a second blog for some time now. I thought I would give you guys all a chance to have a looky-lou. It began as a bible study through a blog forum and has taken on a few changes.
With my life's goal to live with God's purpose, this new blog site gives me a chance to try out some new ideas. My devotion this afternoon had a great quote:

Peace comes when we fix our minds on God and on his stability in our chaotic days.

That is excellent. Especially because too many days I feel anxiety lingering on my doorstep, and my mothering guilt instinct wants to dominate my sleep.
Please check it out and leave me a comment saying happy things. Happy things are my favorites to read, but I will acknowledge the other ones as well.
For all of you local Reno-onions, this will be the location of my small group starting in the spring. I don't have the date yet.


laura said...

do you call us onions because of our peculiar smell?

A Bit Of Everything said...

Onions are yummy when they are added to so much other yummy stuff (get it? huh huh) - deep thoughts by S. Smiley (is that the right name) - Saw the other blog. Gotta get the book, but will particpate. Thanks friend,