This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Shooting BBall

We signed the girl(number 1) up for basketball for the first time ever. In fact, this is her stab at a sport for the first time ever if you don't count ice skating, which you shouldn't. This, I think is a great sport for our family, and I will tell you why. One kid gets lessons while the other four crazies run amok with permission! Like a glove, I tell ya! Here are the hi-lights.

This one is my favorite, not because she made the shot, but because she's trying. I don't know if it is all first borns (I am sooo not one) or just my Isabelle, but she is hesitant in anything she isn't positive she will master at first touch. I love her still, but man that gets frustrating. It's God's way of teaching me to have mercy for those I don't understand, and frankly, there are a lot of you.

This is her fighting her smile as all the boys on her team clapped for her and her attempts at making free throw shots. Really? Free throws on a regulation hoop for 4th and 5th graders? Why not just pound them as they come in the door? It is what I do to my dinner guests; it sets the bar of expectations low.

She confessed after practice she didn't know there would be so much to learn, but she still loves it.

Then of course you have these clowns in the background:

Seriously, John and Kate Plus 8 ain't got nuthin' on us. We need our own camera crew.


Erica said...

great pictures! You're not a first born? You're so organized though and goal driven...;)...

A Bit Of Everything said...

ok. I am trying to leave this comment, but it keeps spitting me out...ew!
I saw you go into the little gym! I will be there to have one eye on Izzy and the other on Mr. Karate man...See you then. I will bring Irie too, to cheer Miss Izzy on!