This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pearl the Squirrel

Miss Addison, I have a feeling, will always have me laughing, even when I am old.


scoeyd said...

She ran by me last Sunday... & when I called her name, "Squirrel!" She said, 'Sorry about it. I didn't even see you standing there." And she gave me the cheesiest grin & snort, it almost dropped me to my knees with laughter.

Lucky you. Does she throw things too?

A Bit Of Everything said...

I want her for the day missy! When can I have her? I miss her!

kris and mel said...

sigh. i love her. tell her auntie mel misses her.

on another note, my word verification is "chest." is there some sort of subliminal mockery going on here???

Jenene said...

so, you're always laughing now, right? i'm just sayin.

Murdoc said...

Let her know there are 3 new toilets in the womens bathroom just waiting for her.