This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Somebody Needs to Do Something

I stumbled across this article while toying with the idea of serving God. I think I am going to go through with it, but just in case I chicken out, I thought I should share the article so you can be motivated as well.

UPDATE: For some very odd reason, this article is no where to be found. I can get to the webpage, but then nothing. How bizarre. Sorry for the tease.


Joelle said...

So how do you plan on serving God, more than you already do? You serve him as a student, friend, mom, wife and daughter. Stop making me feel guilty ;)

shontell said...

lol. well, I could watch less tv and read my bible. BUT I am taking on some responsibilities at church. I am mostly shifting my roles a hair, but doing them better. I feel like I have been doing somethings half way rather than the way God is asking me to. It comes down to time management, which I have been a little lost with since my kids went to school. Weird, I know.

Jessie said...

your article is not working for me.