This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Be Mine Valentine

Dinner by mom, prepared with love,
Candle Light
Heart shaped confetti
Lots of kisses
Air hockey playoffs
Batman pinball games
Smart Cycle
snuggling in front of our wedding video. Valentine's might be my new favorite.



No(dot dot)el said...

really great pics. love the kissy lips.
has anyone told you yet shontelly that you look like the new judge on american idol? well, if not let me be the first- YOU DO.

Erica said...

Cute pictures!! I think next year I'll decorate for Valentines. Fun holiday!

scoeyd said...

Great pics of the fam...

Looks like Sam Fisher needs a haircut.


Jessie said...

oh my gosh Noel! I was just thinking that the other night... she TOTALLY reminds me of Shontell! HAHAHAAHAAHA.

Unknown said...

love love love love love your kiddos.

Jenene said...

OMG! I am sooooooo going to be playing air hockey the WHOLE time I'm there!