This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Holy Cow Pies Batman

This morning on my way home from dropping off the short people at school, I got a call to please come fill in for our high school Spanish teacher. ?QUE? No comprendo. Okay, so I DO comprendo. Dang it. I was scared of high schoolers. Today I get to spend two periods with them and three periods with middle schoolers. It went remarkably better than I thought it would. And I made a little dough and learned quite a lot about Quinceaneras. I am a little bummed I didn't have one.


Murdoc said...

Here's to fighting disease.

scoeyd said...

And we thought that the wedding industry was a racket set up to separate us from our $. Weddings have got NOTHING on quinceneras...

Jenene said...

so this was a spanish cooking class? were the quinceaneras yummy? i've never had one, either.

mohap247 said...

Quinceneras are awesome. I was part of one, but never got my own. Por que you ask? Porque yo no soy mexicana. but sometimes i wish i was...