This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Eli D.

This kid couldn't be more of a crack up. The other day he was singing an incredibly annoying song to encourage Isabelle to finish her homework so we could get to our family reading before bed. Picture him, hanging up-side-down over the edge of the couch, singing a song that went something like this:
oh, Izzy, please fiiiiinish your HOMEWORK. GO FASTER soooo we caaaaan reeeeead. OH Izzy, please hurry up on your hoooomework. I am soooo boooooorred.

To which she replied, "ELI! Be quiet. That doesn't help me get finished faster.Stop singing that annoying song!"
To which he said, "What? It's not my fault you don't like the classics."
To which my reaction was to laugh until I peed a little.

Sigh, he is going to be 8 in a couple weeks.


Jenene said...

I THAT what I have to deal with while I'm there? Sheesh.

Joelle said...

I love it, he will always be the annoying brother to Izzy that Kristopher was to you!

A Bit Of Everything said...

He sang us the song tonight in the truck on the way to the party. He had Iris play Izzy and then he said his punch line! Mister Funny MAN!

Anonymous said...

Oh Come on Izzy got to love the