This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Do You Office?

Office is a new verb in my vocabulary. So, do you? Well, do you do it like this? A few of us may have gotten carried away celebrating Jim and Pam's wedding. You may notice my wardrobe change, but there is no way I could fit cake into that dress. I could hardly breathe.

Yes, well, you should. We had a real wedding cake, champagne,a couple of wedding dresses and a bride's maid. We also had one couple who didn't dress up. They filled the role of that one redneck uncle you have to invite in case he provides a Funniest Home Video moment.


njeske said...

i didn't know my mouth could open that wide...

Erica said...

you guys are so funny! Looks like you had a lot of fun!

shontell said...

Nick, I also felt it was quite amazing. Almost circus travel-able. Erica, if you lived closer, I would have made you dress up and come over.

Jenene said...

i want auntie mel to make me a cake. i heart the dresses and socks. did you get rowdy and have to have the reno 911 cops show up, cuz i totally love the one that wears the hotpants. i look for him everytime i'm driving around reno. js.

shontell said...

You will probably find him at Arby's. js.