This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

What are YOU doing today?

So, this morning I get to fast and drink grossness called contrast. THEN, I get to go into the imaging place and get a CT-Scan of my innards: organs, muscles, bones. Jealous much? Don't hate the playah... I will let you know what they say about Walter, the twin growing within me. Erin Reed, are you reading this? Call my house. Or email me at and give me an email to contact you. sheesh. hope YOUR innards are well. Praying praying.


Erin Reed said...

My innards are fine! Thank you for the prayers! Maybe you are the reason my dr has said I have made an "amazing" recovery! Love you!!So GLAD I have your blog again! :) :)

shontell said...

ah. I love fine innards. Truly I do.

Liz said...

Her innards aren't fine...they're gone!!! hehehe

Trying to get ahold of you is IMPOSSIBLE!! Sheesh! I want more deets on Walter. And erin's phone number...because she is impossible too and I can only get her on facebook every blue moon. (although fb chat was funny when she was on drugs)

Erin Reed said...

Not ALL of my innards are gone, just the ones I don't need anymore. :) Lord, I don't even want to KNOW about IM'ing while on painkillers......Get Skype, ladies, it's free. Even if you don't have a webcam you can use it like a phone. I will have to see if there is three way chat on Skype! Love you ladies!