This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

You Had Me At Chapter One

Seriously, in addition to this guy making me laugh out loud, this book is one of the best I have read in a long time! My disclaimer includes the point that I have only made it through chapter one so far, but if I didn't have others to care for, I would not stop reading until the end. I got mine at Barnes and Noble in a three for one compilation including Through Painted Deserts and Searching for God Knows What. Some churchy books get you thinking but usually in an I-can't-believe-how-(fill in the name)-could-seriously-learn-a-lot-if-he/she-just-read-this-book way. This book is not like that. All arrows point to me on this one.


digapigmy said...

i've heard good things about this book. but i am confused about your question. are we guessing your favorite sport or voting for our own?

shontell said...

Brent, why would I care about your favorite sport? This is my blog. If I wanted to know about you I would say, "what is YOUR favorite sport?" AHAHHAAAA I could be Cruella DeVille.

SeƱor H said...

In all fairness to Brent, I was going to ask the same thing. I had to change my vote twice, two for me and one for you.

As for the book, it is a great book. I like the way Donald Miller writes, he is more of an author than a "look how much bible knowledge I can spew at you to make you feel like you don't know a load of crap about Gsus" type of writer.

shontell said...

boys are weird.

No(dot dot)el said...

are you still on line right now, mon pm because i need help ?? okay don't mean to scare you, i need help with my blogs playlist. i could just call ya but i am afraid i would wake a child.
oh, btw book you have here the moses is reading currently which says a lot cause normally he gives books about 2 seconds before they lay on a shelf and collect dust until i read them but this one he is actually reading. :)

TimmyMac said...

I enjoyed Blue Like Jazz . . . It helped me discover I was really a liberal trapped in the body of a conservative . . .

Jeni said...

I also enjoyed Blue Like Jazz. A couple of friends and I did a book study on it a couple of years ago.

Jessie said...

jim and val have been wanting me to read this one... also velvet elvis, i think is the name? anyway. maybe i will get it off amazon. :)