This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Week One Student Teaching

This. Is. Me.
I am too tired to say anything else. Anyone wishing to help me survive in any way
is welcome to do so. Dishes, wrangling children, dropping by with food or chocolate:
these are excellent ways to help. Two days this week, I was so prepared with dinner,
I had dinner on the table in 15 minutes from when I arrived home. WELL worth the
short time invested to cook extra food and freeze it. The other days, I was not a complete
wreck, but could have done better. Nothing, I repeat, nothing in my house was
cleaned this week.
If you know the song, sing along- I AAAAM SOOO TIIIIRED!


Joelle said...

Nothing in my house got cleaned this week either. Cleaning will become a weekend chore my friend! Even then, you will let it go too. So proud you made it to Friday!! I'll send some chocolate with Izzy's books!

shontell said...

YAY!! chocolate AND EDWARD are going to be in my mailbox. What a delicious combo.

A Bit Of Everything said...

You are doing great friend....right where God needs You to be. I remember someone told me, "the dishes will still be there"...well.....send me a kid or two and I will cover in that way.

shontell said...

AH my friends are so great! My mommy helped me with my kitchen yesterday. My neighbor watched a kid so I could go to the grocery. Loverly. SOOO helpful. Also happy texts. I got two yesterday.

No(dot dot)el said...

Oh man ... Hang in there friend.