This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Boo Hoo Hoo

Why does getting an iPod have to be difficult? Sigh. My dad gave me his first generation iPod Nano, sweet! Only he lost the charger chord. Only, they don't sell them anymore as they are obsolete and before you mention eBay, I tried it all. We all did. I can't find a charger for that guy anywhere. SOO feeling badly, my dad took me to Circuit City to suprise me in buying me another, working iPod. They were out, but the man assured us the Sony MP3 player would be simple to use and compatible with the bazillion hours of iTunes music I have stored on my computer. Yah, well, he is a liar and if I were still in Las Vegas, I would tell him so. That big haired fruit cake. He just made stuff up to make the sale. BUT remember when he doesn't actually work on commission? Why does he care enough to make a sale to lie about the performance of a product? Stupid. SO, now I am waiting for George Dahir to find the receipt, so I can AGAIN purchase an iPod. For now, I must making Sam go to bed. I can tell he is tired as he will not stop making the yummy sound from Young Frankenstein.


digapigmy said...

nothing works with itunes. it's amazing how bill gates gets all the crap when apple software is just as exclusionary and much less intuitive than any microsoft gear.

i wish to one day urinate on the rotting corpse of steve jobs.

shontell said...

ahahaaaaa. Brent, you remind me of "Vickie" the security guard tour guide from So I Married an Axe Murderer.
We didn't have any of those other things.

Liz said...

Can you upload all the files into WMP and convert them?

No(dot dot)el said...

mo got a bogus(sp?) itunes card from the sales guy when he bought me mine for christmas so i feel your pain. that really sucks. when you do get this niffty lil toy friend oh how your world will change forever. just remind yourself that you are one step closer to a music revolution. anytime i need to unplug i turn up the tunes and happily go about the house not hearing screaming, fighting and otherwise unhappy sounds. it's beautiful!! also helps with the cleaning motivation- tell mike that bit of info and it might help you get it sooner.

scoeyd said...

Hmmm. Sorry bout that Shontell.

here's to George Dahir finding the receipt.

And a pox on the lyin' salesman.

shontell said...

gasp!! YES! I should have poxed him. I can do a goodin'. Maybe you have heard it before: Booo Boooo Bow to her. Bow down to the queen of rubbish, the queen of MUCK. Bow to the queen of puuuuutresence!
giggle. yay
oh, and were you just in on the conversation of my dad's confusion over everyone refering to him by his full name. I told him so.

Jen in Budapest said...

dang, girl. You are really going to enjoy it when you finally get it! It was kind of like me when my first i-pod got lost down the toilet and onto the train tracks somewhere in Hungary. I was shocked, mortified and just confused. But it made the next one I got even more of a joy! So, enjoy it. I'm sure you will. It makes working out much more enjoyable.