This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Happy Birthday Melaroo!
For those of you who don't know Melissa, she is my sister. Because you don't know her, you won't be able to pick her out of this picture anyway. Those of you who do know her- I didn't actually have a picture of her and I didn't want to steal Jessie's from her blog. Plus, a lot of people think all black people look alike anyway so I just found a fake Melissa. In fact, I titled the picture "The Fake Melissa" when I saved the image to my computer. Anyway, I thought if I was using a fake Melissa, I would give her some fake accomplishments as well. Congratulataion on your graduation!! You look real smart!

*I totally stole this post from a speckley bird.
**The first time I posted this, I accidentally did so on David's blog. Sorry about that. It was even weirder to see that ethnic family on your blog, David. I was cracking myself right up!


Jessie said...

I love that pic.

I think I should look for that one girl from Hi-5 to put on my blog. My kids both think she looks just like Mel :)

shontell said...

ROFL!! YES!! that is hilarious.

Jenene said...

Clearly Mel is the one on the far right...right?

melaroo said... are the funniest human ever. i love you, and thank you for the birthday wishes. and yes, i AM the one on the far right, in the red.