This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Feeling Great in 2008

Okay, we are starting a new week. I think I can, I think I can! Last week's goal proved a little challenging. I started off really well with going to bed at 10. I even got in a little light reading. Any of you in college know that almost never happens as there is far too much required reading to turn to fluff when we get a free minute. ( Free minute? What's that?) Getting up in the morning has been ridiculous only because I wake up an hour or so before my alarm. Don't be confused. I am not waking so early because of all the sleep. My body seems to be rebelling and waking three or four times each night. No reason, just to look at the dark room. Sigh.
This week, with my cold on the down slope, I am hoping getting back to exercising will give me the stress release and the exhaustion to keep me asleep. I don't feel these are large requests.
Anyhoo, this week's goal: dishes before bed, read Love Languages of Children and work on responding this way to my kids.
You may have some other chore you procrastinate at such as laying out your clothes, making lunches, or straightening the living room before bed. Just fill in your own slacker chore. Also, any book that will make you a new, better, and stronger you as long as it is not a diet book. I do not condone them. Just eat balanced, REAL food, drink your water, and move. Just give it a try.
Anyway, anyone have an update?


Erin S. said...

I completely agree with you about not reading diet books. It's all about common sense and moderation. And prayer. I know that was the number one thing that worked for me losing weight.

My new schedule so far has been good. It's more like doing a "housekeeping" schedule because I really enjoy the "physical labor" parts. Mondays are for groceries, Tuesdays for vacuuming and dusting (and occasional mopping), Wednesday is storytime and ballet, Thursdays are cleaning bathrooms, Fridays are laundry and baking (with kitchen clean-up), Saturdays for organizing, and Sundays for resting! The girls are having fun with it, too. Amelia is getting really good at making her bed! Yay for that because it will come in handy later!

scoeyd said...

Is spanking one of the love languages mentioned?

Sorry. Had to do it.

TimmyMac said...

My Momma sayz a good spankin' is a fine way to show the child how much you love it . . .

She had other fine expressions of love but I think I repressed them . . .

Jenene said...

Yes, Erin! Spanking is one of the "sign" languages!

I LOVE the Five Love Languages! Miss Tish taught it last year...sooo great.

melaroo said...

i have read that book as well. i'm proud of you, shontellie, for all of your great updates in 2008. well, i'm not actually proud of the updates, as much as i'm proud you're doing them. not doing the updates. i mean doing the good things for yourself. but not that i'm NOT proud of you for updating things. cause that's good too. this isn't coming out the way i planned. i'm gonna go now....