This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

My Life in a Musical

Seriously, I used to be amazed that people in musicals new all the words to the songs one character started singing and somehow they all magically knew the moves to the greatest dances ever! Now that I am grown, I just WISH my life could break into musical with willing participants around every corner. Tomorrow I am taking Layla Grace to the mall for her birthday. I wonder if our Hot Dog on a Stick lady will give us this same service!
Thanks to my friend, the speckled bird for showing us this improv group. They are called Improv Everywhere. I recommend the video where they mass froze in Home Depot and Grand Central Station.
Don't forgot to pause the music.


Jeni said...

I also wish the world around me would randomly break out into a song and dance.

On a related subject, I always feel like breaking out in song and dance when I come to your blog. I spend a bit more time here because your music almost seems like it is coming from my itunes...

shontell said...

:D yay Glad you like the music selection.

digapigmy said...

i still haven't forgiven you for the mariah carey. i should pray about that.

grand central station was pretty good. more people seemed to appreciate that than the musical bit. i can't help but wonder if that is more due to race or sexual orientation of the people watching.

shontell said...

lol sorry AGAIN for the Mariah Carey incident.
I loved the Grand Central guy who was freaking out asking people how long the freeze had been going on. I think he was certain end times were upon him.

melaroo said...

yeah, that was seriously hysterical. thank you for sharing that. my kids loved the musical, but i totally loved the grand central station. i also cracked up at the shirtless men in abercrombie. and the pantless people on the subway, lol! i spent an hour watching everything on youtube, lolol!