This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

On the Fly

In my attempts to keep up with a stronger, happier, healthier George Banks, I am wearing a pedometer courtesy of my friend Ms. Ridge. So far I have walked a whopping 3142 steps and it is still am! Yay! Who knew I chased kids as much as I do? In addition to this exercise awareness, I have started keeping my food journal again and am trying to be purposeful with my food. Last night I accused a friend of being pregnant when she just isn't (sigh. why do I talk?) and the only saving grace was my ability to point out my own baby fat in the shape of a beer gut around my middle. Hopefully she is inspired as much as I am and God will grant her time and energy to devote to herself. After all moms, this year is all about you!


Joelle said...

AMEN SISTA! I am hanging in there with you. I wish I had a pedometer. I left the house at 9:50 on a quest for a walk, called neighbor Jess to join us and we didn't make it home until 12 noon. I too am watching what I eat, I will have to try the food journal that sounds helpful! Keep the inspirations coming friend! I love it!

Jessie said...

I am so mad at you for calling me pregnant. I am NOT pregnant. just fat.

Like on Monday when I was at Starbucks and the lady behind the counter taking my order told me she loved my top and she had one just like it when *she* was pregnant!

I will no longer be wearing said top.

shontell said...

sigh. I KNOW! I took out this super cute shirt (clearly meant for skinny girls)and The Man said I am not allowed to wear clothes that make me look pregnant no matter how much I am used to looking pregnant lol.

Jenene said...

Yoo hoo...Johrge Bohnks

No(dot dot)el said...

i would be interested to see how many steps any momma of 5 takes, sheesh...what a task at hand you have shontelly. hey i saw you taking some of those steps at the grocery store.
a side note- i hear wallies calling my name- you?

shontell said...

WALLLLLLYYYYY I NEEEEED YOOOOU!!!! you name the day and i will sell my children to be there. ahaha no not really, but yes! I would love to go.

No(dot dot)el said...

okay it's on this thursday 4:30, can you meet me here?

Anonymous said...

Happened to me once...I asked a lady when she was due...her answer..."wasn't pretty" - Oh well!Life goes on, and maybe I helped someone get skinny