This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Can't Say Why But...

I just love musicals. I know that will be painful for some of you to hear, but if you love me, you must love all of me.

Tonight I tucked my kids in to sleepy town, snuggled in with my green blanket and some orange juice, and put on one of my favorites, Chicago. So sadly I wasn't able to get my favorite song Cell Block Tango on here for your listening enjoyment. I love the recent musical movies like Moulin Rouge and Chicago for being brave enough to put musical numbers in the middle of a Hollywood production. And then another bravo for their stellar skills in finding some seriously surprising talent in the likes of Rene`e Zellweger, Richard Gere, Catherine Zeta Jones, Nicole Kidman, and my two faves John C. Reilly as Mr. Cellophane and Ewan McGregor who could sing me the phone book and make me swoon.

Of course I love the classics,, too. I love that my children (all of them) will sit and watch the entire two tapes of Fiddler on the Roof. Just happiness.

If you forgot about these gems or have never been brave enough to sit through one, I highly recommend one of the newer ones. Sometimes it is easier to handle something new when you know what to expect. Be brave! Take a chance! At least you can say you did this before you died. Don't worry, you won't really die from watching.


Unknown said...

i do love all of you (yes...that way) ....and I am embarrassed to say that I have not yet seen Chicago.

Jeni said...

And for all of the people who can't handle a movie without any blood and guts,they could always watch Sweeney Todd which combines that blood and guts with a musical... And Johnny Depp singing? You've got to be curious!

melaroo said...

ERIN, YOU'VE NEVER SEEN CHICAGO??? WHAT THE HECK??? sigh. i'm a failure as a friend.

shontell said...

Seriously Mel, I am thinking of replacing her.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! I grew up attending all of the greatest (for my time at least) going to the shows with my parents in San Francisco! My favorite was ANNIE! I sooooooooooo wanted to be her (had the freckles, just not the red hair). I knew every single word! Daddy Warbucks was my favorite!
Love listening Mr. Gere singing Razzle Dazzle - He is yummy to me...I know, I am old.
Oh well,

Tommorrow Tommorrow, I love ya...