This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, March 24, 2008

When I Grow Up...

NO I can't wait that long. Recently, I have been in touch with the publisher of the RGJ (our newspaper here for you out of towners) (Jessie, this "town" has nothing to do with what you may be thinking). In January, Cory Farley retired from his spot as top-notch columnist, and I want to take his place. I don't so much want to fill his shoes as buy myself a bigger mouth in a real publication and be the new recipient of his paycheck. In my research about how to become such a person, I found out my new friend, Erin Harrison, was once the topic of one of Mr. Farley's column pieces. Apparently, when she lived here, she followed in HER mother's footsteps and became homecoming queen or something along those lines. I couldn't stop giggling, but then I got to thinking; "I want to be that guy!! I want to write about nonsense, happy family legacies, and why I think the protesters at the Olympic torch lighting ceremony are too disorganized and creepy for people to take them seriously."
In addition, I found out I have friends that have family at the newspaper, and I can't decide if I should play that card or not. So far, I am compiling my portfolio and waiting patiently for the Executive Editor to email or call me back. Mr. Ted Powers told me to wait patiently, so here I am. "Hear me God? Are you up there? It's me Margaret."
I am praying about God's timing and his amazing ability to say no when I shouldn't really do more. He has given me this desire, of that I am certain. I simply can't tell if he is calling my number just yet. I am willing to be patient, though I don't know if I will be any good at that game. As usual prayers are welcomed. Plus any advice you may have..ahem..David?


digapigmy said...

i refuse to give any advice or encouragement unless you promise not to suck like cory farley did. quite possibly the most unreadable tripe imaginable. he is one of the largest reasons i don't ever read the rgj. now if they could just get rid of steve sneddon i might subscribe . . .

shontell said...

HA Nice Brent. How about you pray for me to do well, and I will secretly "ode" to you in my writings?

Jen in Budapest said...

Shontell - I hope it works out for you. i too have thought of writing for RGJ when I was living there. But I'm sure you'll have quite the pool of readers who love to laugh, as you are comical and real. Love you for that.


David said...

While I am not a columnist (the people who read the paper I write for would hate me if they really knew what I thought of them), about once a month I do have to cover community stories like the Valentine's Day Banquet at the old folks home.

If that appeals to you, find a small town paper.

Newspapers are a business. As a result, people who run newspapers - especially those who run the RGJ - are magnificent liars who say things like "wait patiently" so they don't have to lie to you some more.

Don't work for a newspaper, especially the RGJ. It is a dying medium.

Find a way to write online (other than your blog). Find online magazine/websites that would need your kind of content.

shontell said...

Exceelent advice David.. I mean EYEgor. I really appreciate it.