This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Netflix: Bippity Boppity Cebu

Netflix is genius. Honestly, the whole concept reeks of Google and those nerds sitting on their bean bags inventing, and I use it nearly everyday. We are budgeters now though, and we have to take a look at some things that are weighing us down. Netflix has raised their prices to $16/ month (and the irate world went irate-ier). It's really a good price if you ask me. We get streaming movies on our Wii, and we get a movie in the mail a few days after we sent in the last one. Win, win.
What sucks is the FACT that Netflix is using magic against me. We are gung ho to ditch our debt and even cancel our subscription with these guys to put that $16/month toward a debt. I know that sounds like peanuts, but that equals almost $200 per year, which could be paying for two of my kids to play sports instead of watching television. It hurts to see it, but it's true. Anyway, the magic.
We had been tossing the idea around the ole living room, canceling our Netflix. And wouldn't you know it, our movie went missing. Missing. Since Halloween. Netflix used magic against us so we couldn't cancel.
We pulled everything out of everywhere. Don't try to picture it. It was a mess. We dumped couches. We prayed. We used flashlights. We prayed.
Then yesterday, The Man was looking in the box for our Wii beeswax and noticed a shiny little circle wedged INTO the entertainment center. Yes. INTO. Thank you thank you thank you Jesus. We will now cancel our Netflix before they can hex us any further.


Erica said...

we just cancelled our movie in the mail part and kept the streaming for budget reasons as well

No(dot dot)el said...

Yep, us too.